Judul: Berbagi Info Seputar Coffee Shop Cafe Business Sim v0.9.34 Mod Apk Full Update Terbaru
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Berbagi Coffee Shop Cafe Business Sim v0.9.34 Mod Apk Terbaru dan Terlengkap 2017
Free download Coffee Shop Cafe Business Sim v0.9.34 Apk+Mod Money| Selamat datang kembali sobat andronet kali ini saya akan membagikan game yang akan mengajarkan anda cara berbisnis coffe dengan membuka kedai coffee yang menyediakan berbagai olahan coffee dan berupaya keras menarik pengunjung untuk datang ke cafe kita,servis kepada tamu dan usahan mereka pulang dengan tersenyum maka kantong anda akan tebal dengan sendirinya.Coffee Shop Cafe Business Sim v0.9.34 Apk+Mod Money versi terbaru jadi buat para sobat yang tertarik silahkan download gamenya disininya.
Screen Shoot
What’s New:
- Welcome the fresh update
- Bug fixed! Create the restaurant of your dream.
- New character and stories! Learn all the hot news of citizens lives during a cup of coffee.
- New recipes and pricing! Satisfy the guests of your café and get good tips.
- New achievement! Watch video on TV and get new reward on a shelf.
- New furniture! Redesign your coffee shop.
- Happy gaming, chef!
- Design the restaurant of your dreams and develop a style and menu
- Make all kinds of coffee in business simulator: americano with chocolate, espresso con panna, cappuccino… Mmmm!
- Invent and introduce unique recipes and impress your customers with unusual beverages!
- Decorate your coffee shop business simulator with a charming interior design: put flowers on the table and choose pleasant lighting. Your customers won’t take the comfort for granted!
- Change your cafe’s style: buy and improve furniture – simulation of the cafe will teach you to think about all the details.
- Achieve goals to earn points and expand your business
- Study all the details in business sim to get the highest income of your restaurant.
Link download
Cara Download File :
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